Ron Newman
President Elect, CSEG 2016
Ron Newman has over 40 years of exploration and development experience and contributes a rare combination of technical and management experience. He has applied this knowledge base to co-found four TSE listed companies: Courage Energy Ltd., Geophysical Microcomputer Applications (International) Ltd., Winstar Resources Ltd. and COSTA Energy Inc.
Mr. Newman holds a Bachelor of Science Degree (Geophysics and Geology (minor)) from the University of British Columbia and is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta. Ron has been nominated twice for Entrepreneur of the Year in Alberta, both in 1997 and 1999.
Mr. Newman is a past chairman of the Doodlespiel and past golf director of the Doodlebug golf tournament.
Other notable achievements:
Executive Governor – OILMEN’s Golf Tournament – 2003
Governor – OILMEN’s Golf Tournament – 2002
Governor – OILMEN’s Golf Tournament – 2001
Co – Chairman – Calgary Cardiovascular Net work (2002 – 2005)
Medal IM. Karola Bohdanowicza, Poland – 2001
Board Member – Alberta Theatre Projects – (1998 – 2002)
President – Alberta Theatre Projects) – 2001
Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists – TRACKS Award
APEGGA – Volunteer Service Award – 1991
Board member – Earl Grey Golf Club – (2012 – 2015)
Board member – Glencoe Club – 2015 – present
I have more time on my hands these days, and I would like to give back to the CSEG by getting involved in the organization at this difficult time in our history.

Neda Boroumand
for Vice President
Dr. Neda Boroumand is the CSEG’s current Director of Finance, a Technical Editor for the RECORDER and a member of the Chief Geophysicists Forum. Neda has over 10 years of work experience in both the energy and mining industry and geotechnical applications. Her background is in acquisition, processing and interpretation of passive seismic data.
Dr. Boroumand earned a B.Sc. and Ph.D. In Geophysics from the University of Calgary. Her Ph.D. research focused on “Microseismic Interpretation of Hydraulic Fracture Processes in Unconventional Reservoirs”. She has presented and lectured on several topics at conferences, workshops and short courses. Neda has also authored and co-authored several publications with more forthcoming and reviews manuscripts for a variety of peer reviewed Journals.
Currently, Dr. Boroumand runs her own consulting practice that focuses on deriving meaning from geophysical, geological and engineering data and turn it into useful knowledge to help improve business results.
Two years ago, you gave me the opportunity to serve as the 2017 CSEG’s Director of Finance. In that time, I worked closely with the other members of the Board, incredible volunteers and dedicated staff to 1) reduce the deficit, 2) focus on our top member-valued programs including RECORDER, Geoconvention and Technical Luncheons, 3) promote our society using our digital platform and social media and 4) engage with other Societies, Universities and organizations.
We have a lot of work to do still. We need to come up with creative ways in which we can increase our revenue, create a strong balance sheet, be the digital go-to information source, adopt a multi-disciplinary focus and become a truly Canada-wide Society.
I believe that the CSEG’s 2018 Vice President / 2019 President should have a strong understanding of the finances, be clear on the long-term goals of the Society and have already taken steps to help move us into a sustainable position. I believe that this candidate is me and with your support, we can continue to move forward on these objectives.

Keith Millis, P. Geoph
for Vice President
Currently Lead Geophysicist at SAExploration, Keith has as distinct passion for our society, profession, and energy industry. An active member of the CSEG, SEG, and APEGA, Keith is currently a member of the CSEG Chief Geophysicists Forum, New Initiatives Committee, SEG Council Member for Canada, APEGA Calgary Branch Executive and Authentication Subject Matter Expert Panel. He has recently been on the CSEG Executive as Director of Communications, chair of the CSPG Honorary Address, and member of the GeoConvention Technical Committee. Throughout his career at Anderson Exploration, Devon Canada, BJV, with leadership roles at OptiSeis and SAExploration, he has pursued imaging improvements through innovative acquisition design, modeling, processing, and IFQC on seismic programs around the world. He has presented several times at GeoConvention, SEG Annual Meetings, and published papers in the CSEG RECORDER. In addition to industry and volunteer positions, he is an avid musician who enjoys raising his two daughters and son.
Our society is dear to each and every one of us. It continues to push our knowledge base further, and is vital in building our community – both internally and externally. I am so proud to be a part of this society, and have an incredible passion to continue to see it succeed. This passion is not solely mine, but shared by so many. I have worked alongside many of you for years, and can attest to our capabilities when we work together. In fact, it is the only way we can hope to affect change.
Our current executives have been making a great deal of headway recently, including reducing our deficit, and I will continue to build upon their successes. As part of the New Initiative Committee (NIC), we have also established several new opportunities that the executive and committee chairs have been reviewing. As vice-president, I will continue to implement these initiatives as effectively as possible, through fiscal prudence, and in communication with you. Some notable initiatives include the following.
Developing advertisement-based revenue sources will be paramount. We are a leader in the scientific understanding of the world around us, with a wealth of knowledge and technical assets. Other business models are subscription based, or pay-for-access, but we share our insights readily and publicly. Accordingly, I will focus our efforts in growing this facet, as it is relatively untapped, and of incredible importance. We will review the time-frame at which the RECORDER is made public, and will reconsider having the RECORDER available in print.
Our demographics are changing, as are the needs of our membership. Yet, we do not have a specific understanding of how they are changing. Better insight into what our membership desires from the society is valuable, especially in difficult times. Proper insight takes more than just the occasional survey, and feedback from our events. We have the ability to study and track impersonal statistics in a variety of ways, making use of this information to improve our society’s efficiency. This is not an intrusive approach, but rather, being more analytical with the data we have.
Another important insight arose from the U of C Haskayne School of Business’ MBA student’s analysis of the CSEG: that we need to not only better understand our changing demographics, but re-think what our society means to an emerging professional. It may, or may not be obvious, but our emerging professionals program (EPP) was born, not out of the will of the executive, or any other committee, but out of an internal desire – organically. I was not part of its conception, but I am so grateful for its development. In writing this, it should be made clear that emerging professionals are not just a part, or subset of the CSEG – they are the CSEG. Tangibly, we will ensure we do not miss opportunities or insights from any of our members by further promoting inclusivity, including at our executive meetings.
While there are many other initiatives to consider, they all require communication and teamwork. I have always believed that the best results come from working together, with proper leadership, vision, and stewardship. I look forward to continuing to serve our society, bringing my passion, dedication, and strengths to this role. Thank you for your consideration.

Cathy Martin
for Assistant Director of Finance
Cathy is a seasoned member of the geophysics community, having spent most of her career as an interpreter in the WCSB for both large and small companies. After a brief retirement which didn’t stick, she joined CGG’s GeoConsulting group as a Seismic Reservoir Characterization specialist and spent 6 years honing her skills in qualitative interpretation. Now offering those talents as an independent consultant, Cathy has weathered many peaks and troughs in the industry and anticipates a period of relatively quiet reflections after the recent major impedance decrease.
I served as CSEG Treasurer in 1994 at a time when our operations and initiatives were amply financed. I know both the structure and the demands on the position have changed drastically since that time and I look forward to learning more about how we can best steward the society through the recent crisis. The current executive committee has weathered the storm well, cutting expenditures while drawing on our reserves to fund necessary programs. I hope to use the skills gleaned from serving as treasurer of other small community groups and my tenure on my condo board to further serve the CSEG. Most recently, I participated in the “Seismic in Motion” committee, and have volunteered numerous years in the Silent Auction fundraiser at our conventions. I look forward to re-activating and re-juvenating my contribution to our society.

Moriah Rempel
for Assistant Director of Member Services
I am a recent graduate from the University of Calgary with a degree in geology and geophysics. I have volunteer experience as both an executive member and President of the student geophysics club at the university am the current President of the Geophysics Undergraduate Student Society and am currently serving my second year as part of the CSEG-F GIFT committee. I have been a member of the CSEG since 2013 and have participated in events such as the Junior Geophysicists Forum, GIFT, and the Doodlespiel. I have been passionate about geoscience from a very young age and wish to pursue a career in geophysics. I enjoy spending my free time outdoors hiking, camping, and collecting rocks.
As a former student, CSEG membership and the networking opportunities it provided was crucial in helping me develop my connections within the geophysics community and as a new graduate it continues to help do so. Membership and involvement in the CSEG has made me aware of how important CSEG membership is for both professionals and students, especially in tough economic times like these. This position would allow me to become even more involved with the CSEG and to further develop my passion for geophysics.

Andy Williams
for Assistant Director of Communications
Andy Williams is a skilled senior geophysicist with 20+ years of technical project experience. His focus is multidisciplinary asset team collaboration with the intent of maximizing the value of E, G&G data. He delivers integrated interpretations for exploration, development and producing assets. Planning, executing and evaluating exploration, exploitation, development and production optimization activities are career long goals and passions.
Andy has personally experienced the full brunt of this downturn. Laid off in October 2014 from Statoil Canada’s Oil Sands Expansion efforts he has experienced all of the highs of an expected quick return to work (end 2014?) and the lows of reality setting in. There are too many professionals, technologists, skilled trades, field staff and support staff in this same uncomfortable position.
Working with an organization like the CSEG as Director of Communications gives him an opportunity to proactively network with companies and members that are employed, unemployed and underemployed. He will work tirelessly to deliver the CSEG tools, technical insight and knowledge to ensure the membership is as prepared as possible for the new reality of E&P. We all benefit from a healthy, fully utilized, membership. Andy hopes to improve the fortunes of some of those who have struggled the most.

Pavlo Cholach
for Assistant Director of Education
Geophysics is innovative, technology driven and knowledge intense discipline within the rapidly changing and adapting to commodity pricing and social requirements oil and gas industry. Even over the last 6-month Canadian energy landscape has changed dramatically with increased ownership of local resources by Canadian companies. Undoubtedly Canadian geoscience professionals will be tasked to address a challenge of economically viable extraction of available resources to make them available to domestic and world energy markets. Upgrade of skillset, advanced knowledge, experience- based judgement and technically deep rooted expertise will be vital to meet this challenge. CSEG is strategically positioned to address educational component of this challenge by providing geophysical knowledge base growth through programs encouraging innovative thinking to all its members.
CSEG educational programs should be aimed at both experienced practitioners who are willing to stay current and share knowledge and, critically, new grads and junior staff eager to learn. By adapting to new market conditions CSEG could enhance members educational experience by exploiting the latest technological advances in IT, media and social platforms to deliver learnings and share advances of discipline specific knowledge at minimal or no cost.
With 15 years of exposure to the oil and gas industry in Calgary I was fortunate to have firsthand experience working with multinational and Canadian companies on all major resource play developments in WCSB. I have experienced development of forward thinking mentality with respect to the role of technology in exploiting oil sands and application of horizontal drilling in combination with fracking to tight dry and liquids rich gas and oil in Lower Cretaceous as well as in Montney and Duvernay plays.
If elected as the new Assistant Director of Education, I will commit my time and effort to work closely with all members of the Executive Committee and wider CSEG community to support and strengthen well established and proven to be effective educational programs as well as advocate to introduce new technology driven cost effective ways to deliver learning and knowledge sharing to CSEG members and broader public.
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