The original Bylaws were registered with the Registrar of Companies on August 8, 1977.

Amendments to the bylaws were approved by extraordinary resolutions on December 13, 1977 and April 13, 1978. These amendments were registered on September 18, 1978.

Further amendments were recommended and accepted by the Executive on August 24, 1980, January 12, 1984, October 2, 1986 and April 6, 1989 and subsequently registered. The most recent amendments were approved by the Executive on May 28, 1992 and ratified by the membership at a General Meeting October 13, 1992.

Bylaws of the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (hereinafter referred to as “the Society”)


The society shall be called the “Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists” and may have the alphabetic abbreviation of CSEG.


Section 1 - Classes of Membership

Membership in the Society shall consist of Honorary Members, Active Members, Student Members and Corporate Members.

Section 2 - Honorary Membership

Honorary Membership may be granted by the Executive Committee to any person who in the unanimous opinion of the Committee on Honours and Awards and the Executive Committee is considered worthy of such honour by reason of unusual service to the Society or outstanding work in the field of geophysics. Honorary members shall be elected for life and shall enjoy all privileges of the Society. They shall be eligible to hold any office, to vote on all matters submitted to the membership, and to petition the Executive Committee on any matter.

Section 3 - Active Membership

Active Membership may be granted to any person engaged or interested in the geophysical profession.

Section 4 - Corporate Membership

Corporate Membership may be granted to any Company having an active interest in supporting the objectives of the Society. Corporate members shall enjoy all privileges of the Society except that they shall not hold office nor shall they endorse applications for any class of membership, nor vote on any matters.

Section 5 - Student Membership

Student Membership may be granted to any Student having an active interest in supporting the objectives of the Society.

Student members shall enjoy all privileges of the Society except that they shall not hold office, nor shall they endorse applications for any class of membership, nor vote on any matters.

Section 6 - Election to Membership

An applicant for election to Active membership shall submit to the Society an application together with dues for one year. The application shall be endorsed by three Active or Honorary Members of the Society in good standing who are personally acquainted with the applicant. All applications for membership in the Society must be approved by a majority of the Executive Committee. When an applicant has been approved, he shall be notified in writing by the Secretary. He shall receive all available issues of the Society’s journal for the year for which he makes his initial payment of dues.

The names of all new members shall be published in the next issue of the CSEG Recorder following approval of their applications by the Executive Committee.

The Executive committee may waive the requirement of references from members of the society for Geographical or other reasons, if the applicant is otherwise eligible and furnishes other satisfactory references. Active and Associate Members of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists and of the European Association of Exploration Geophysicists may apply for membership in the Society and the requirement of endorsement by three sponsors shall be waived.


Membership of any class shall be contingent upon conformance with the established principles of professional ethic.

Any member may for the good of the Society be suspended or expelled from the Society at any time as set forth under ARTICLE IV of the Bylaws.


Section 1 - Resignation of Members

Any member of the society may resign at any time by submitting his resignation in writing to the Executive Committee. Any member who so resigns shall cease to have any rights in the society and shall cease to incur further indebtedness to the society. Any person who has resigned under this section may be reinstated by majority vote of the Executive Committee subject to the payment of any outstanding dues and obligations which were incurred prior to the date when he ceased to be a member of the Society.

Section 2 - Expulsion of Members

Any member who, after being granted a hearing by the Executive Committee, shall be found guilty of a violation of the established principles of professional ethics, shall be asked to resign from the Society by unanimous vote of the Executive Committee. The decision of the Executive Committee in all matters pertaining to the interpretation and execution of the provisions of this section shall be final.


Section 1 - Officers

The elected Officers of the Society shall be: a President, a First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and a Business Manager. Additionally, a Journal Editor and a Recorder Editor shall be appointed by the officers to sit on the executive.

Section 2 - Election of Officers

All Officers of the society shall be elected annually from among the Active or Honorary Members of the Society in good standing, by means of a secret ballot in the following manner:

There shall be a Committee on Nominations consisting of the President who shall be Chairman, and the two most recent available Past-Presidents. The Committee shall nominate one or more candidates from among the Active or Honorary Members of the Society in good standing, for each office or post to be filled, having first secured the consent of all candidates nominated.

The report of the Committee on Nominations shall be mailed to each member in order that additional nominations may be solicited before the closing date for nominations. Such additional nominations shall have the consent of the candidates nominated, shall be signed by at least five members of the Society, and shall be submitted to the Secretary. Nominations shall be closed on the 1st day of November prior to the Annual Meeting.

Election shall be by secret ballot, mailed to each member of the Society after the closing date of nominations, and not later than the 15th day of November prior to the Annual Meeting. Only those ballots postmarked not later than December 31st and received by the 4th day of January prior to the annual Meeting shall be counted. The President shall cast his vote only when necessary to break a tie. Each Member voting may cast one vote for each Officer, and the candidate receiving the greatest number of valid votes cast for an office shall be declared elected to that office.

The President shall appoint a Committee of three tellers who shall be responsible for obtaining the ballots from the Secretary and counting them not later than the 7th day of January prior to the Annual Meeting. The Chairman of the committee of Tellers shall report the results of the election to the President who shall immediately advise all candidates.

The newly-elected Officers shall attend a meeting of the council immediately prior to the Annual Meeting, and shall be installed in their offices at the Annual Meeting, at which time they shall assume their duties.

The Officers shall hold office for a nominal period of one year, and no member shall be eligible for election to the same office for two consecutive years.

In case of a vacancy in any office, other than the President’s, the Executive Committee shall select a successor to serve the remainder of the unexpired term of the vacant office.

Section 3 - Duties of President

The President shall preside at meetings of the Society and of the Executive Committee and Council. He shall appoint such Committees as are required for the purposes of the Society, and shall delegate members to represent the Society. Jointly with the Secretary, the President shall sign all written contracts and other obligations of the Society. He may, at his option, serve on, and may be chairman of, any committee. The President may delegate in writing such authority, as is required, to other Officers. In the temporary absence of other Officers, he shall assume their duties or delegate them.

Section 4 - Duties of First Vice-President

The First Vice-President shall assist the President in his duties and shall assume the office of President in case of a vacancy in that office, and shall assume the duties of President for such period or periods as that Officer for any reason may be unable to perform his official duties.

Section 5 - Duties of Second Vice-President

The Second Vice-President shall be responsible for arranging the technical program of the Society and shall have authority to appoint such assistants as he may require, and shall perform other duties as directed by the Executive Committee.

Section 6 - Duties of Secretary

The Secretary shall maintain a complete list of the membership of the Society; shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Society and Executive Committee; shall mail advance notices of meetings to all members; shall notify the members by mail of proposed amendments to the Constitution and shall transact any other business ordered by the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall have custody of the seal and shall be responsible for its safe keeping; and shall see that the seal is affixed to all documents requiring the seal of the Society.

Section 7 - Duties of Treasurer

The Treasurer shall collect all dues and other monies receivable and shall make disbursements authorized by the Executive Committee. He shall report upon the condition of the Treasury at the Annual Meeting and at other times upon request of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall, with the approval of the Executive Committee, appoint an auditor or auditors who shall audit the books of the Society and its committees. The Auditor’s Report shall be delivered to the Executive Committee by January 31st, of the current year. The Auditor’s Report shall cover the financial year of the Society, hereby defined as January 1st to December 31st, and shall be delivered to the Executive Committee before January 31st following the end of the financial year. The Treasurer shall prepare a budget for the ensuing year. It shall be presented to the Executive Committee by December 31st of the current year.

Section 8 - Duties of Business Manager

The Business Manager shall make arrangements for all meetings; shall assume the duties of the Secretary at any meeting at which the Secretary is absent; and shall perform other duties as directed by the Executive Committee.


Section 1 - Designation of Council

The Council of the Society shall consist of the Officers, the Officers-elect, the immediate Past-President, the Section Representatives to the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, the Section Representatives from the Society Sections as described in ARTICLE XV, and the Journal Editor, and The Recorder Editor.

Section 2 - Powers of Council

The Council shall be the governing body of the Society and except as otherwise herein provided, shall have full control and management of the affairs and funds of the Society.

Section 3 - Meetings of Council

A meeting of the Council shall be held at the call and under the chairmanship of the President immediately before the Annual Meeting of the Society. At this meeting the Council may review the reports from the Officers and committees, and the activities of the Society for the past year. The Council shall conduct any necessary business and issue instructions or recommendations to any Officer or committee, except as otherwise herein provided. All committee chairmen may attend this meeting with the privilege to speak but not to vote.

At the call of the President or a majority of the Council members, and after written notice to all Council members, the Council may meet at any time.

A quorum at any meeting of the Council shall consist of two-thirds of all Council members.

Unless otherwise provided by the Bylaws, all actions by the Council shall require a majority vote of the members present.


Section 1 - Designation of Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers, the immediate Past-President, the Section Representatives to the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, the Journal Editor, and The Recorder Editor.

Section 2 - Powers of the Executive Committee

When the Council is not in session the Executive Committee shall have full authority, subject only to prior instructions by the Council, to exercise all powers of the Council.

Neither the Executive Committee of the Society, nor any of its members, shall have the power to borrow money, or expend money in excess of those funds in the Society’s current accounts, unless approved by a three-fourths vote of the members present at any general meeting of the Society membership called on due notice and for that purpose.

Section 3 - Meetings of the Executive Committee

Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held monthly insofar as possible, at the call of the President. A quorum at any meeting of the Executive Committee shall consist of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee. All actions of the Executive Committee shall require a majority vote of the members present, except as otherwise herein provided.

Section 4 - Duties of the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall transact all business of the Society not otherwise herein specifically provided for. It shall elect all members to the Society; shall authorize all expenditures; shall authorize the use of the seal; shall direct investments of the Society funds; shall establish and supervise publications; shall approve and recommend all proposals for special assessments; and shall have the power to review all actions and appointments by the Officers.

Section 5 - Remuneration of Executive Committee

No Officer or Member of the Society shall receive any remuneration for his services unless specifically provided for in the Bylaws.


Section 1 - Annual Meetings

The Annual Meeting shall be held before the end of March at a time and place designated by the Executive Committee. An Annual Report, including the reports of Officers and committees, shall be prepared by the President and distributed to all members prior to the Annual Meeting.

Special meetings may be called at any time by the President of the Society, or by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

At Annual and Special Meetings, those attending shall constitute a quorum, provided that the entire voting membership has been duly notified at least one week in advance of the meeting.

Section 2 - Technical Meetings

Meetings of the Society shall be held periodically at dates to be announced by the Executive Committee. The time and place of meetings, and the nature of the technical program and entertainment, shall be determined by the Executive Committee.


Section 1 - Dues

The annual dues for an Active Member or Student Member of the Society shall be set from time to time by and at the discretion of the Council, but shall not exceed $35.00 (including G.S.T.), which amount shall include the cost of one subscription to the Society’s Journal.

Honorary Members shall not be required to pay dues and shall receive the Journal and other publications without charge.

The annual dues for a Corporate Member of the Society shall be set by the Executive Committee, but in no case shall be less than $50.00.

Section 2 - Payment of Dues

Annual dues shall be payable in advance on January 1st of the calendar year. Notice of dues payable shall be mailed to each member by the Treasurer in November of each year. Dues paid by applicants for membership during November and December will be considered in payment of the following year’s dues.

Any Active Member or Student Member who fails to pay his dues by July 1st, shall lose his membership in the Society. Notice of forfeiture of membership shall be mailed to a delinquent member at least ten days before July 1st.

A member who has forfeited his membership under the provisions of this Article may be reinstated by majority vote of the Executive Committee, subject to the payment of any outstanding dues and obligations which were incurred prior to the date when he ceased to be a member of the Society.

No person who has ceased to be a member of the Society shall have any claim to any property or assets of the Society.

Section 3 - Audit

The books and accounts of the Treasurer shall be audited as covered under Article V, Section 7 of these Bylaws.

Section 4 - Inspection by Members

The books and records of the Society may be inspected by any member at any Annual Meeting or at any special meeting called for financial purposes.


Section 1 - Editor

The Editor of the Journal who shall be appointed will be on the Executive Committee of the Society and shall be responsible for the publication of the Society’s Journal.

Additionally, the Executive Committee will appoint an individual to publish The Recorder of the Society.

Section 2 - CSEG Recorder

The CSEG Recorder shall be the medium for publishing notices of meetings, notice of amendments to the Bylaws, and the names of new members. All members of the Society shall be presumed to have due notice of all Society matters published in the CSEG Recorder.

Section 3 - Journal of the CSEG

The Journal shall be published at intervals designated by the Executive Committee.

Original papers, reviews, abstracts, notes, or letters containing information deemed by the Editor to be of interest to the members of the Society shall be published in the Journal. The Editor shall be the sole judge of whether such material is to published.

The subscription rate of the Journal shall be set by the Executive Committee. A portion of the annual dues of each dues-paying member shall be set aside for the payment of his subscription to the Journal.


Section 1 - Appointment of Committees

The President may at any time appoint committees for such purposes as he may deem fit to further the purposes of the Society. Except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws, the term of all committees appointed by the President shall expire September 15th of each year.

Section 2 - Duties of the Chairman

The Chairman of each committee may appoint additional members as he sees fit. He shall prepare a report of his committee’s activities which report shall be submitted to the President no later than December 31st of each year, and which shall be included in the Annual Report of the Society for the year.

The Chairman of each committee in which expenditures of funds are made shall close all committee books by December 1st of each year, reserving only such funds as are required to cancel unpaid current obligations, and those required to maintain the continuity of the committee, and shall deliver the books and remaining funds to the Treasurer. The Chairman shall also prepare and submit to the Treasurer by December 31st, a budget for the following year.


Section 1 - Committee on Honours and Awards

The Committee on Honours and Awards shall consist of the three most recent available Past-Presidents of the society. The senior member of the committee shall retire after the Annual Meeting. The current Past-President will serve as Chairman. In the event a committee member cannot serve for any reason, the President shall appoint a successor for all or part of the remaining term.

Section 2 - Procedures for Honours and Awards

The Committee on Honours and Awards shall review suggestions for new honours and awards. It shall recommend to the Executive Committee three months before the Annual Meeting, but no later than November 1st, the candidates for all established honours and awards of the Society, and for election to Honorary Membership, explaining the basis for its recommendations.

The Executive Committee members shall consider all such recommendations and shall vote on them before the last day of December prior to the Annual Meeting. Unanimous action by those voting shall be required for approval of the recommendations of the Committee on Honours and Awards.


The Council may arrange for association or affiliation of the Society with any duly organized groups or societies.

The terms of association or affiliation must provide that the society shall have the right to dissolve such association or affiliation at any time, subject only to the payment of any sums it may legally owe the association or affiliated group or society.


Section 1 - Representation on Council of the SEG

The Society may be represented on the Council of the SEG as follows:

One Section Representative if among it members there are not more than 75 Honorary Members and Active Members of the SEG in good standing, two Section Representatives if more than 75 and not more than 150, three Section Representatives if more than 150 and not more than 300, four Section Representatives if more than 300 and not more than 450, five Section Representatives if more than 450 and not more than 600, and extending the formula in the same manner, a section shall have one additional Section Representative for each additional 150 Active Members.

The President of the Society shall serve as Section Representative to the SEG. However, if the Society is entitled to two representatives, the President shall serve on the Council of the SEG for two years, and if entitled to three representatives the President shall serve on the Council of the SEG for three years, causing these additional posts to be filled by the Past- President and the prior Past-President respectively. If the Society is entitled to more than three Section Representatives to the SEG or in the event that any duly-appointed Section Representative is unable or ineligible to serve on the Council of the SEG, the Executive Committee shall appoint Section Representatives to the SEG for one-year terms to the additional or vacant posts to be filled.

Section 2 - Other Societies

The Council may provide for representation of the Society on the governing bodies of other societies or organizations with which arrangements have been made for association or affiliation.


Section 1

Upon petition of 20 Active Members of the Society in good standing residing within appropriate distance of a central point, or sharing a common interest or problem, the Council may authorize the formation of a Section. The Council may decline to authorize the formation of a Section when in its judgement such an organization would not be compatible with the interest of the Society.

Section 2

The Section shall adopt Bylaws which must be approved by the Council of the Society and shall be consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society. The Bylaws of the Section should include provisions that provide for its orderly dissolution and automatic disposition of its funds in the event the Section can no longer function in compliance with its Bylaws.

Section 3

The President of each Section shall represent that Section on the Council as Section Representative. The term of office of a Section Representative shall be one year. If a Section is entitled to two or three Section Representatives, as prescribed by the Constitution, these additional posts shall be filled by the Past- President and the prior Past-President of the Section, respectively, serving additional terms. A Section Representative must be an Active Member in good standing. When a Section President, Past-President or prior Past-President is not eligible or otherwise is unable to serve on the Council, or when a Section is entitled to more than three Representatives, the Executive Committee of the Section shall be responsible for the selection of Representatives for one-year terms to the vacant or additional posts to be filled.

Section 4

In the event a Section Representative does not attend a Council Meeting an alternate or proxy who is an Active Member of the Society in good standing will be seated with the privilege of voting if he has been authorized by the Executive Committee of his Section and if the President and Secretary of the Society have been notified in writing prior to the roll call of the Council Meeting.

Section 5

If a Section Representative ceases to be a member of the Section he represented or is unable to perform his duties, the Executive Committee of the Section may appoint an Active Member of the society in good standing to fill the unexpired term.

Section 6

Each Section shall provide the Business Manager of the Society with the names of its current Officers and the current version of its Bylaws. Annually each Section shall furnish the Business Manager with a count of the number of Active Members of the Society on the Section roster. For the latter purpose, the Section should count its members in good standing just prior to the date of renewal of annual Section Dues. In the event a Section does not provide its membership count to the Business Manager at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting, no more than one of the Representatives from the Section shall have the privilege of voting at the meeting of the Council.

Section 7

A Section will be designated as an inactive Section if the Section does not hold at least two technical sessions a year, or is unable to elect a full slate of Officers.

Section 8

An inactive Section will be designated a defunct Section by Council action if the Section is unable to regain active status in the one-year period following the date the Section is declared inactive.

Section 9

The Council may at any time dissolve affiliation with any Section for reasons it deems good and sufficient.


Section 1

Formation of a Student Section may be authorized by the Executive Committee, providing a petition is submitted by ten or more graduate or undergraduate students in residence and faculty advisor. Membership in the Society is recommended but not mandatory for the petitioners.

Section 2

A Student Section shall adopt Bylaws which are consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society. Their Bylaws shall be approved by the Executive Committee before affiliation is granted.

Section 3

The Executive Committee or Council may at any time sever the affiliation with any Student Section.


Section 1

Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by any five members of the Society, by any Officer of the Society, or by a constitutional committee appointed by the President.

Section 2

Any proposed amendment shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee, and, together with an expression of the Executive Committee’s views thereon, shall be submitted to the entire membership of the Society. A three-fourths majority favourable vote of all Active and Honorary Members present in person at a general meeting, of which notice specifying the intention to propose the amendments as an extraordinary resolution has been duly given, shall be required for ratification of the amendment.

All amendments shall be reported in the CSEG Recorder.


In these Bylaws, and in all amendments thereto, the singular shall include the plural, and the masculine shall include the feminine wherever the context will so permit and the circumstances require.



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